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Estimating your 2021 Giving

We are so fortunate that many people in our church give more than they estimate. It is part of the generous spirit of our community. Just as your estimate of giving is not legally binding, it is also not a ceiling. Consider how generous you can be and make your decision.



Your pledge of support tells us that you value your presence at HTCC, and that you are "all in" with us as we continue to do mission together!

Where do I begin?

While many churches suggest a 10% tithe as a standard of giving, we know that can be a hard goal to begin with especially in this time of financial hardship. We also understand that many people designate a percentage of their income to charities and justice efforts, and often HTCC is just one of many worthy places you invest your money.


If you are unsure about how to begin, consider a smaller percentage, perhaps 4-6% of your income. See how it works within your personal budget and adjust the percentage as it allows. Remember you can always change your Estimate of Giving at any time, by notifying our church administrator. 


Check out the chart below to help you estimate your weekly tithe based on your current income!

Budget Breakdown-2.png

Now that you’ve considered your estimate of giving, please complete the 2021 Pledge Form by Dec. 6. Your pledge will help us plan for 2021!


 Make My Pledge! 

To see the many ways you can give to our ministry click here!

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