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Recipes of Faith: A Journey of Coming Out- Michael Tuzzio

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

About Michael

I'm Michael Tuzzio, and have been going to Holy Trinity Community Church since 2000 and have been a member since 2004. I am married to Greg Hubble and we have been together since August 2002. We met at HTCC in August of 2002, during that time Greg sang in the choir and I was a member of the congregation.

Michael's Journey

My coming out was many years prior to me finding HTCC, or should I say HTCC finding me. I think that answer for me was finally being about to be my true authentic self. It took me years to be able to do so. Looking back, I realize that it was ALL in Gods timing for me personally. Each person has their own timeline and when it is RIGHT for them. It just took me a few more years to get there.

How did Michael get through his trial?

Prayer. I prayed on a daily basis for one of two things. The first being for God to fix me and the second was for God to help me be who he had created me to be.

Just know that God has us all on certain paths. We travel those paths, some with uphill, some with down hills, some with bumps and some that are smooth. When its God's timing, your prayer/prayers will be answered. Most importantly, be in tune to listen to that small voice inside of you!

How HTCC was part of Michael's Journey:

Over my years at HTCC, I never thought I would be anything more than just a member of a church. That all changed very soon after attending HTCC for a few months. Without having any experience in running a soundboard. The church was needing people to step up and volunteer to help with the sound system. I started first running the soundboard when we were meeting at Brookemeade Congregation. And to be honest, I enjoyed running the soundboard and was just as nervous as to not make any mistakes. Soon after we moved to our current location, I continued to run the sound board, took a CPR class to get certified. Once certified I was then able to volunteer in the nursery. I also served as a Parking Lot Attendant when we were having 2 services on Sunday, volunteered for clean up day and help organize for several years after.

The current Chair of the Vestry, at that time, approached me and asked if I would consider finishing the term of a Vestry Member that had stepped down. I did accept the position. Prior to being asked, I had considered running for Vestry for quite some time. But due to my extensive travel schedule, I did not think it would be doable due to my limited time during the week that I would be available. I finished out that Vestry term and I asked the Vestry if they thought my travel schedule would be conducive to running for Vestry. With their reply, I ran for the next Vestry term and was voted in by my fellow congregants. I completed this term and ran for one more term. I served approximately 4+ years on the Vestry. This was my first truly understanding of what it meant to serve our church.

I retired from the Dialysis Medical Profession. I was a Corporate employee of DCI with a title of Corporate Reimbursement, Education and Support. My job took me from coast to coast and from North to South. My busiest travel year I spent 40 week, Monday - Friday flying to another city somewhere across our nation. I loved my job so much so that it did not seem like a job to me. It was one that was so very fulfilling due to the responsibility that I had and the company staff that I have met with over the years. I retired June 2, 2015 was my last day at DCi, and June 3, 2015 was my very first day of full retirement.

I have a daughter who is married and Greg and I now have our first Grandson. Our lives are very blessed in abundance. Greg and I, together, enjoy our new roles as Papi and Papi G to our Grandson.

Michael's Take Away for YOU:

Just one bit of advice: One of my siblings asked me this question several years ago, "How hard is it for you and Gregs' relationship?" My reply was this: A relationship should not be hard, if it is hard, then maybe it is not the right one.

Michael's Favorite Verse

My favorite is Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Michael's Favorite Recipe

Polish Sausage Soup

1 pkg polish sausage (skinless) sliced lengthwise, then cut into pieces

1 large can diced tomatoes

1 can bean and bacon soup

1 large zucchini –sliced in half, then cut into pieces

1 large cup cabbage, chopped

1 large can Italian green beans (drained)

4 or 5 slices of bacon , cooked very well, crispy then crumbled

1 large onion, sliced and diced

Dried basil and minced garlic to taste. You can add salt and pepper, but I never do. The beef broth is salty enough

Enough beef broth to cover all ingredients once they are added to your stock pot. ( if doubling the recipe I use about 2 -3 boxes of beef broth. Also can use beef bouillon to make up the difference if you do not have enough boxed or canned beef broth)

These are the basic ingredients and I always double this to make a large stock pot, and always use more cabbage then what is called for. I have been making this recipe for over 28 years now !

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Unknown member
Feb 16, 2021

Thank you for sharing your story, Michael. We are so blessed that you are an integral part of our congregation...always reliable, trustworthy, ready to serve, committed to ministry and such a loving brother in Christ. Thank you...we are who WE are because of who YOU are!

PS...also love the fact that all of your recipes are Gluten-free...and that is a HUGE blessing to me :)

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